
Showing posts from June, 2021


 The echo of the murmurs, swung and floated with the currents of the calmly blowing breeze, colliding into my ear. My feet slowly dropped their pace and I stood still, for a few minutes, like water freezing in the North or South pole, before cautiously brushing the pebbles under the rubber sole of my boots, moving closer to the large, boulder filled quarry, that echoed the voices of the people under John's tyranny. "Mmmmh..." Azoe uttered, gradually, straightening his slight, tilt in his back from peeking to the other taller and muscular people. "What is it? Why aren't you moving forward?" I asked, shaking Azoe's right shoulder. "These large ones listened to the Big Boss, I should tell you, I'm never going back, NEVER!!!" Azoe said, in a whispering tone. The clanging of metal, rang, fainter after each passing second, and our steps, became quicker towards the quarry. The lights, beamed, into the faded darkness, of the shadows, encroaching on


 The sight of large, sand dune-like shaped, heaps of metal and plastic, reflected, in a beam of light, on the surface of my goggles, when holding the never-ending straining weight of Azoe trying to maintain consciousness. Azoe's heavy, unevenly paced gasps, caught the air in the vicinity and floated like a light feather in the wind, echoing in the empty space between the heaps of pebble-sized metal and plastic that surrounded us. "Wake up! Wake up!" I called out to Azoe shaking him, aggressively, with my grip, which held him below his ribs. Frequent groans squeezed out, effortlessly, even when he tried to move any body part. "Peeo...No..NEVV...Ahh" Azoe yelled out. "Wha..What is it?" I asked, him as he aggressively shrugged out of my grip, ripping the torn part of his clothes furhter and crawled out on his knees to stand up. Azoe finally staggered, to his feet, unbalanced in his stance, kicking around, metal and plastic pieces. "Hey! Who were thos