The sight of large, sand dune-like shaped, heaps of metal and plastic, reflected, in a beam of light, on the surface of my goggles, when holding the never-ending straining weight of Azoe trying to maintain consciousness. Azoe's heavy, unevenly paced gasps, caught the air in the vicinity and floated like a light feather in the wind, echoing in the empty space between the heaps of pebble-sized metal and plastic that surrounded us. "Wake up! Wake up!" I called out to Azoe shaking him, aggressively, with my grip, which held him below his ribs. Frequent groans squeezed out, effortlessly, even when he tried to move any body part. "Peeo...No..NEVV...Ahh" Azoe yelled out. "Wha..What is it?" I asked, him as he aggressively shrugged out of my grip, ripping the torn part of his clothes furhter and crawled out on his knees to stand up. Azoe finally staggered, to his feet, unbalanced in his stance, kicking around, metal and plastic pieces. "Hey! Who were those people?" I asked Azoe, catching him before, he fell, into the heap again. "They aren't me, people like..." Azoe's speech was interrupted, by a few steps, which echoed, a crunching of plastic and a clinging of heavy chains, that chimed along with it.

 Anxiousness, pulsated into Azoe with a weak, unbalanced attempt at acceleration, to get into a run, which also caused a lot of noise. I wrapped Azoe's mouth, with tape and quickly wrapped his hands, as we slid down the heap, as the sounds started to get closer due to Azoe's attempt to run. The clinging of metal, rang in large frequency as I tried to fit the side of my eye, in a small gap, between heaps to find out who kept appearing. Before, I could fully concentrate on getting my sight on the people, my foot, unfortunately knocked on to a barb wired fence, which caught my boot. Azoe, slowly, crept, the opposite direction. "Wha...Wha.. Azoe!!" I called out, in a whisper trying to tone my voice down. My boots were clenched, together with the threads of fiber of in my pants. I merged my stealth with the stillness that the air had, to try and catch Azoe, in his radical attempts to quench his curiosity. A steel pipe, dragged on the ground slowly, as I finally got freed myself from the barbwire. The cold of the steel, burst its way, into the depths of my veins, and the eyebrow raised, expression of Azoe's wrinkled and exhausted face and my surprsie, burned the images to each other. I could hardly comprehend how he got loose from the wrapping I had made. Azoe, tried to tug the steel pipe out of my hand and get away.

The flashing lights of John's tower beamed above the heaps, giving a short period to view the people who were following us. They looked like Azoe, full of torn and dirty clothing although they were much more larger and muscular. "Are you trying to kill yourself?" I whispered, shaking Azoe, to get himself together. "You don't know, these are not people like me" Azoe said aggressively. "What? Are you hearing yourself? Just because you didn't get ripped" I said. We both walked further around the heap, and saw the survivors of John's tyranny.


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