"Wait? What?" My eyebrows twisted in confusion, at the news. "Dude, I'm lucky to have even bumped into you" Harry's voice tone went up, as we stood on the walk way, going from question to question, in the empty streets. After, all the chattering, we got to walking through the empty streets, as Harry directed the way. "Where are we going? What was that thing in the silhouette by the way?" My puzzled mind, sought to keep asking more and more questions each time. "Don't worry, you seem to be new here, lucky enough for you, you met up with someone you know" Waving the mist in the air and some fumes, Harry gave answers as he could see fit. Growling like an unfed beast, my stomach, chanted songs of hunger as the distance grew larger and larger. More distance, seemed to reveal more, as some buildings, only stood as tall as a bush in the savanna, from great destruction. Others, were a representation of partially destroyed and stable. Posters looked to resist being, removed with, scraps accompanying the breeze on its path, as they stuck on some of the walls. "Woah! Harry is that you?" The screeches of my sneakers, sounded with increased frequency, as I quickly run to the wall colonized by mold and patterned with cracks.

"Oh, you got to know" His walk, slowed as he turned around to look at what I was talking about. Suddenly, Harry turned into a deserted alley. "Ey, wait, wha..." My hands covered my mouth in shock. Mist seemed to turned into night's sky, when I gazed at the alley's darkness, and set foot onto the generously littered ground. Stealthily, as possible, my feet selected places to walk on, and dodged, the nearly inescapable, slime from the litter that seemed to spread itself, everywhere with each step, like it was following me. "Damn! where the hell are you going?" Shaking off the disgust, from under my shoes, as I was trying to talk to Harry. A door sounded as soon as I finished my question, and leaped all over like a frog with oversized legs. I roughly held onto the door, and crawled my way inside.

"Welcome" Harry, unloaded his blade as well as other weapons, while talking. A wooden interior, lit with a mildly bright bulb, was ridden with papers and the heavy punch of a strong alcohol scent. The area seemed cave-like, and had couches and seats, that almost seemed as old as time itself. "Drink?" Harry pushed a glass across the table, near the couch I was sitting on. "I need junk food! Damn, hungry!" I rubbed my tummy, as I slouched further in the couch. The dirtied, microwave, hummed to the saliva building in my mouth, and the growls of my stomach made music with the hums, until my teeth sunk their heavily salivated surfaces into the oily surfaces of the food. Comfort soothed me as I kept on eating but couldn't help noticing, a picture, of, Harry, myself and the others at the restaurant. Harry, drank his whiskey as he looked at the picture in his hand. "Harry, Harry" I wiped my mouth away as I tried to talk, with my voice falling on seemingly blocked ears.


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