What makes a good detective? Is all you can know, really all you can know? Junk food and time, helped me on this. This where it all began. The ringing sound of what was aged metal echoed in the wind blowing, empty space of the corridor, that soon became a similar picture of captured prey, with a predator of chatter, screams of joy and shouts of celebration. The doors welcomed the suns rays from their aggressive opening. Walking out into the air, puffed up my lungs heavier than a moment of surprise. Inhaling all the scents nature, burst into the air, sprung the intense ability to smile that almost felt never ending. I bounced in my walk, brushing the pavements hard surface, making the screeching sounds, with my rubber soles on the glossy paint. My cellphone buzzed, continuously, and I kept fidgeting from left to right, around and all over, trying always trying to get to it, through the busy and congested human traffic as I made my way towards the bus station. "He...y, ey.. Ti...m" The passengers on the bus looked at me with all sorts of eyes, as I tried to listen to the phone call I received with, improper network.

The eventful trip to my destination, run out of scenes to look at through the window and passenger's eyes to keep ignoring. The conductor, made his voice, travel through the bus, with loud calls, of the destination. My clothes bonded with the fabric of the chairs, trying to get through the seats, with the suffocated space of the bus. The city was full of traffic, as usual. It's been almost years and this hasn't changed one bit. From the closed spaces in the bus, to the walkways of the city, the human traffic was just similar. Brushing and knocking shoulders, as my phone made me sound like a walking circus, with its never ending buzzing. "C'mon! Always! Always!" My foot stepped into the door of the restaurant, as I heard my friends, James, Harry, Susan and Mary engage in their usual complaints about my regular late timings to the plans we had. Our end of semester celebrations were about to begin. I quickly, slithered my eager hands to the glistening cheese fries, completely stuffing, into my face. "Ugggh, you pig!" Mary cringed her face, stepping away from me, as James and Harry, cheered me on with numerous fist bumps in the air.

The sugary and oily food, poured their flavours into my comfort, sinking further and further into the couch. My fingertips still oozed with eagerness to grab more fried chicken. Continuously, making myself sit up slowly proved harder and harder, the more my stomach craved me to stop. Sleep, showered its, presence over my eyes, making moving even an eye lid, the most tedious task. "That's what you get, you human warthog!" Mary pranced away in disgust to another chair, and threw napkins all over my face, that were blown away by my erratic burps. The skies, grew dark, as time continued to pass. We ended up remaining as the only customers at the restaurant. "Ey, party's over, time to go" Harry shook me to wake me up and get us going. Sluggishly moving my body off the couch, I grabbed my stained bag, and tried to wipe off the stains on my shirt. Finally as I got up properly and walked up to the door after my friends had gotten out. I opened the door and found misty clouds flowing into the restaurant but with no friends in sight. "Heeelp! Help!" Faintly sounded in the air, as a large silhouette of a person stood in the distance.


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