We were in a daze, as we lay on the ground. The building kept shaking from the commotion that was caused below. Dust filled, the air on the ground, that slowly arose, slightly clouding the vision on the goggles of the masks that we were using, that had now cracked due tot he impact of the crash. Cracking sounds, rhythmically collided with the rumbling of items that were left in the room, as we started to hear someone talk to us. "Hi, its been a while, hasn't it?" We were both lifted by our masks, as the eardrum crashing voice, ran through our ears, causing to wriggle in discomfort, but the strength of the grip, made us look like helpless prey caught in a subjugation. It had been a couple of minutes, in our tussle for freedom, and the light at the end of the tunnel, didn't seem to glow any brighter. "Harry, different times, huh? Literally and figuratively, I run the city, you didn't see that coming did ya?" The floor felt more familiar as we were dragged through the spider-webs and dust that coated the ground like a layer of paint. My body was screaming for relief, after each knock on a corner of a wall to the knocks against objects in the way.

The constant bombardment against objects, slowly came to an end. "Don't you ever try that again! Mark my words, you will suffer!" The order came with extreme anger and vigor. "Whoa! John! It's you, wait, what the hell is going?!" In midst of being of sore and aching, I quickly burst to look clearly to confirm who it was. "Yeees, Timmy, It is me, I don't sweep and clean the floors, and people do my bidding now, you're friend here hasn't been co-operative" From a hot headed pot of anger, the moment of familiarity calmed him, although, he was full of sarcasm, that chilled my spine about what he was going to do next. "Huh? Harry? What is he saying?" I turned to Harry, who lay in the corner, still groaning and trying to get over his weak state. "He.. he.. He isn't a good man Timmy, trust me" Weak whispers poured from Harry's mouth, as he tried to get to his feet. "Sit down you fool! You lie!" A kick from John sent Harry back to the ground, as he held him up in the air with one arm. "Guys, I don't think this right, what's up?" I stood gripped in in the moment, as I tried to help them, however, I also was knocked to the ground as I tried to save Harry. "I see he has infected you, we're in the future, and the future needs different people to lead" John, looked at me in a facade of mercy, as he nudged me with his heavy boots away from the door.

"Harry! Harry! I know you can defeat him!" Brushing of dust as I stood, slowly, John jumped out of the window, as he communicated through his earpiece. "I have him, take the other with you" I heard John speak just after he jumped. I hesitantly tried to find my way out of the building.


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