My feet and legs, scrambled through the building trying to find some sort of speed to be able to get out in an appropriate time, before, I was apprehended by whoever, John was talking to. Sweat trickled down my face, dampening the mask, that could be mistaken for a worn out rag, decorated with broken glass. By the periphery of my sight, I saw an old, paint peeling, web-covered door. The rumbling from below made it difficult to keep my stance as things shook, like leaves, on a tree during a strong wind. I staggered and stumbled towards the door, which seemed like my only way out. The door, squeaked, open, and the handle fell off. Stairs, painted the scenery of my sight, and I immediately started rushing down them. Step after step, awakened an ache after an ache in my body. I tried to clasp, every aching part as I traveled downwards, which made me end up looking like I was performing a dance in front of an audience. I had walked down a few flights, and a bright light beamed through the corner of my eye, illuminating, my eye with and spirits with a glimmer of hope.

I walked closer to the light, and a loud crash, interrupted the warm feelings of hope and freedom that soothed my heart in the despair of the confusion that I found myself in. I fell hard against the wall, that stood before the next flight of stairs. Rumble, covered the floor, that kept being swiped away, by large feet. "You are coming with us?" A large hand, and deep voice, both approached me, as I stood from the fall. I managed to escape and crawled out of the attempted reach, to continue my exit from the building. "Come back here!" A shouted faded in the distance, as I continued to increase my space between the person and myself. The flight of stairs, became fewer and fewer, and the chase, became more intense. The heavy thuds, could be heard behind me, as the deep voice echoed through the air into my ears, every passing minute. I finally arrived at the door, towards the exit, as I could fear meeting the creatures that continued to shake the ground. "Trakus, where are you?" I held my earpiece in attempts to get help to get away from this situation, however the transmission seemed to be week.

"Leaving, this early" A feminine voice, crawled itself into my eardrums striking surprise, through every nerve in my body. "Mary! Whoa! You're here too!" I gazed at Mary's sporty attire, and staff that she held, as she approached me slowly by slowly. "Yes, I am, and you will be with us too" A rush to attack came swiftly from Mary, faster than I could reacted, and knocked in my ribs. "Jaa...mes" As I turned in my groaning pain from the hit, I recognized, the first person I met was James. I managed to evade his attack which broke open a hole in the door which knocked Mary into the street as well. "Trakus! Trakus! If you're there, I'm in the streets help me!!!" I ran recklessly through the streets, escaping an attempt to capture from my former friends. The clicking of heels, seemed to follow my every step, and a sharp sound of a dart-like object, injected into the painted, hard cement side walk, and caused crackling meshed with the air, as the cement broke apart like a dead branch in a tree. I suddenly decreased my pace, to a immediate stop, and looked into the air from where it came from. "As for me, you will not escape" My eyes, opened wide, as I saw Susan, cover my horizon, in a stance ready to fight. The creatures,  were still in the street as they walked aimlessly back towards the building where we were to go with Harry. Susan launched with a kick, that I evaded. The clanging of chains, rang in my ear as Susan threw a chain that seemed to start to circle around me. "AAAAHHH!" The chains, dropped, after a scream, traveled into the air, from Susan, and I saw Trakus appear, after thumping Susan out of the way. I threw myself into the passenger seat of the van, as the stomp grew louder behind us.


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