My ear captured every decibel of my rapidly beating heart, a million times in a matter of seconds, pulsating together with the lightning quick breaths of air, that passed through, my air ways, which made me, end up sounding like a broken gas pipe. Each cell of my eye was beamed with the lights of the screen, that painted my face, all sort of colours, when I was uncovering more of my eyes, in the sheer, tension that my body seemed to be constricted by as my muscles, seemed to twitching in their frozen state. The view of people leaving the club, was given the brewing grounds of bubbling chaos. Cans and bottles of liqour, flew up in the air, and their chilling sound of the bottles being shattered and grounding themselves on flesh, to produce, crippling screams from people, that bounced, off my ear drums, and sunk down into the depths of my surprise and shock. Henchmen, couldn't fathom, the anger that grabbed, their fierce attempts to control the people, and clasped their overbearing dominance, like a collar and tether on a rowdy dog trying to get out  of its kennel. Silence, engulfed the main control center at the base, which could cause a breeze of air to whistle through the ventilation and echo through the empty space. Only our surprise, could be smelled through the air and infect any visitor.

The muscles of my neck were nourished with an ounce, of calmness dripping into my nerves, as I tried to look at Nicholas and Laura, who were both stitched to the screen with their eyes and only torn out of their stillness with the clenching of my fist, that cracked a a few bones. My sneakers cut the dense silence, into a few pieces, with the screeching of the rubber, echoing into the corridor. I opened up the ounces of calmness, to drip further into my eyes, and hands, to, brush upon the palms and reach for the buttons on my phone. My lungs, received a pump of air, after a deep inhale, bubbled the hopes in me, to make a call to Trakus. Anticipation, sunk me into a pool of anxiousness, as the ringing, seemed to go further and further, the more I tried to keep on, looking if he had answered or not despite it ringing. The answer to my call, was only a part of my imagination that kept on going on, with the anxiousness, flowing in my blood vessels. My phone slipped off my ear, like a honey that poured out of a jar, and I was welcomed back to reality with the shrugs and scratched to their head, from Laura and Nicholas. "Tell me, what's going on? You're the one who appeared here all of a sudden!!" I rushed my steps towards Nicholas grabbing him towards the file.

"Ahh, what! What! Why... Huh?!" Nicholas seemed resistant, despite, him sliding on the floor as I kept pushing him, towards the desk. Air, thinned in Nicholas' world, as he began, to seek even a particle of air, after he hyperventilated the more, I tried to clench my muscles, in holding his, stained and petrol scented jacket. In the midst, of the straining, and enduring struggle, the papers, collided with the air, and flipped all over, like empty paper bags. A page, lay open. "Damn it! Are..." The screen sounded


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