PART 30 - GO

 My fingers, merged its prints, on each part of the surface of the page, faster and faster with every swipe I made. I pointed my eyesight to the whole surface of the picture multiple times, to try and conclude that it was Trakus. Blinking, seemed to be caught in time, as I froze in a complete state of shock, and denial, when I kept moving from the file to what I had found near curtains. I went back and forth with the pages, that were proving to be never-ending in the amount that was placed within the the file. More pictures, fell out of the file like dead leaves shed from a tree during an Autumn season. My hands, quickly, engulfed the surrounding air, to capture the pictures, before they could get to the ground. The pictures, blew in the air, like confetti, with my attempts that caused the springs to squeak louder, as my spine was bent to numerous directions, almost, falling onto the dry, and partially polished floor. Some of the pictures cramped, in a few of my grips that flew in the air. I unraveled and straightened them, trying to get a good look on them. A few of the pictures, were as aged as fossils that were undiscovered and a bit of patches that seemed to have been smudged. I eventually collected most of the pictures, and some that had fallen on the ground.

Suddenly the ground, rattled, with a humming noise and the a few items begin to shake within the house. I quickly dashed to the curtains. The wind crashed onto the hairs on my skin, applying decreasing temperature, on my body, a degree at a time. My eyes, glued to the environment outside, which was filled with more humming and a bit of rumble as the mist still covered most of the city. I crept towards the upstairs of the house, to get a better view of what was going on. The large silhouettes, began to look more clear, as they had rough and what looked like a scaly and ashy grey surface of skin, and extremely dry. The footsteps were as loud as an exploding volcano, which shakes off the dust from dirty surfaces. I quickly, expanded my lungs numerous times, with deep breaths which were summoned by fear that held my entire body and tensed up every fiber of my muscles. My eyes were painted on the transparency of the window, as the few rays of light that burst through the mist, allowed me to continue to witness the large human-like figures ravage through the city and the screams of people still pierce my ear drums.

Despite my distraction, the spontaneity, of dropping pages from the file, sparked my attention back to reality, and I kept blinking as though light had been flickering before me, and my heart slowed down its pace. My feet, raced my shadow, to the bottom of the house where, I got myself ready to step out and look for Harry. I hurriedly collected all my items, and as the I pushed wind currents around me, with my moving hands, a picture, flipped over. "Until, it goes away", it said. I flipped it to see the picture, and saw, a smudged picture of John and someone else who looked familiar.


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