
Showing posts from January, 2022


 A sudden, sharp, squeaking, of the chair, darted into the comfort of my hearing, while squeezed under the desk. The wind was no rival to the gliding and flapping papers that merged with the room's atmosphere, as I heard Nimilani's weight, suffocating the chairs ability to keep anything balanced as well as the sudden drop on the desk, followed by his huge plunge of despair. I swiveled out of my squeezed position, like a soldier out of the trenches, searching to see if the trouble had ended. The flip of my eyelids, went as fast as the cleaning of windshield wipers, when I stretched out my legs to get a look at Nimilani. "Nim...Ni..." I stuttered as I got close to the ruffled up papers and scatter of pens. Nimilani, calmly, lifted his neck, as though, the weight of his head, had, become a building itself. The despair, oozed out like a honey from a beehive, pouring down its surface, as his eyes, were swollen, as the belly of a well fed hippo. "Ahh, aah... Mmmh... Ar


A zoom in and out of a camera, would be the best description of the squinting of my eyes, that prickled the sensitive nerves on my face, squashing the piercing pain of my swollen jaw, trickling the smallest of tears at the border of my eyelashes. The morning sun, blasted its brightening luminescent rays, through, the old stained glass of the window, which was as spotted as a cheetah's skin, into the room. Golden letters, reflected, on the surface of the card, as I scanned it, with the help of the light that beamed slowly painting out the darkness, like a famous painter, in the streets of Paris. Inhalation of a deep breath, extinguished, the flames of the burning, suspicion and worry, that spread like a fores fire within me. "Here you are" Nimilani said, with the silver stray, struggling to hold itself together, and trying to save any extra cost spilling might cost him. "Thank you! Thank you!" I said, turning quickly, to the chair before, Nimilani, saw me holding


 The stinging and pungent stench of fermenting urine, wafted on rim of my nostrils, sparking the faint, strength of my eyelids to flip open, with the weight of drowziness, suppressing any will to fight on, like a heavyweight boxing champion, on their challenger. Thin yellow rays of light, sprayed themselves, on the chipped up cemented floor, like straws of freshly cut hay for cattle, as warmth, bathed on my skin, briefly, before, my unstable legs, dragged on the ground. Squeaking of rats, echoed to the webbed corners of the wall, when I made my way to the loosely hanging door, that set off the spaces for the races for all the rats to scatter for their freedom. Immediate shivers, made my body, resemble the tail end of a rattle snake, when I stepped into the few chilling moments of the morning cold. My horizon, was modeled with the silhouettes of the hard working men and women of the country, and the few school children eager to bridge foundations for their future. It had been, weeks lik