The stinging and pungent stench of fermenting urine, wafted on rim of my nostrils, sparking the faint, strength of my eyelids to flip open, with the weight of drowziness, suppressing any will to fight on, like a heavyweight boxing champion, on their challenger. Thin yellow rays of light, sprayed themselves, on the chipped up cemented floor, like straws of freshly cut hay for cattle, as warmth, bathed on my skin, briefly, before, my unstable legs, dragged on the ground. Squeaking of rats, echoed to the webbed corners of the wall, when I made my way to the loosely hanging door, that set off the spaces for the races for all the rats to scatter for their freedom. Immediate shivers, made my body, resemble the tail end of a rattle snake, when I stepped into the few chilling moments of the morning cold. My horizon, was modeled with the silhouettes of the hard working men and women of the country, and the few school children eager to bridge foundations for their future. It had been, weeks like Kaminzo said. The sudden weight of responsibility, sunk in like discipline from a head master, when the thoughts of my family, stabbed at my conscience, using its best tip-toeing, not to accept thoughts. Hunger, growled in my stomach, almost, like I was the one being to be hunted instead of another meal. "Arrrggh! Get out! Not again!" Nimilani said. The sound of bowls clanging like musical instruments, followed the anger and disgust that became the chorus of most of my days. "Please! Please! I beg of you!" I said. 

Slipping and sliding on the soup stained floor, as the strength of Nimilani's aggression seemed to be of better use in the farm, to fight rams that locked horns. I hoped, my persuasion would win, with my desperation, scrapping at the weakest links of my will. I tugged on the overused apron Nimilani, said was for good luck at his small restaurant. "I said, Get out! Arrgh!" Nimilani shouted, thrusting my serviette weight, of a body, to the ground. The only creeping positive, thoughts were the sweet aromas of food that, washed the traumatic stench of urine, still, overstaying their accommodation at the airways of my nose, which however ended, as soon as the steam of boiled water, suddenly blew, above me as I saw the threats of Nimilani getting more serious. "Okay! Okay!" I stood, ready for action, quicker than a film directors call for a stuntman on set. "Nimilani! Listen, a lot is happening, I don't know if I'm ready to tell you, but for now, I haven't been home in a while" I said. The jar of boiled water, slowly, found the counter from Nimilani's hand with the firmest grip, that could, squeeze, a python's flesh out of itself like toothpaste from a tube.

Niminlani and I, walked away into the small corner office, situated on the outside of his restaurant. "Makindo, what happened to your face?" Nimilani asked before, my swollen face could make a comment. I stood their silently, for a while, with my brain attempting to calculate the best response, but time only sought to rival, my thinking ability. "I fell, on my way here" I said. Nimilani, sighed breathing in, enough oxygen to serve him for the rest of the day. "I'll get you something, have a seat" Nimilani said leaving the room. Relief, engulfed my body, but only until, a slight peek at the window, gave a glance of a card, similar to Kaminzo's club. 


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