A zoom in and out of a camera, would be the best description of the squinting of my eyes, that prickled the sensitive nerves on my face, squashing the piercing pain of my swollen jaw, trickling the smallest of tears at the border of my eyelashes. The morning sun, blasted its brightening luminescent rays, through, the old stained glass of the window, which was as spotted as a cheetah's skin, into the room. Golden letters, reflected, on the surface of the card, as I scanned it, with the help of the light that beamed slowly painting out the darkness, like a famous painter, in the streets of Paris. Inhalation of a deep breath, extinguished, the flames of the burning, suspicion and worry, that spread like a fores fire within me. "Here you are" Nimilani said, with the silver stray, struggling to hold itself together, and trying to save any extra cost spilling might cost him. "Thank you! Thank you!" I said, turning quickly, to the chair before, Nimilani, saw me holding the card. I hurriedly squished and squashed into the chair, seeking comfort like it was hidden gold, in a pirates treasure chest and built the best face my smile could make with the least amount of excruciating pain, to leak no tears. "You seem to have the appetite today" Nimilani said. Oozing saliva, hooked onto my taste buds, and dragged them, like a fisherman, finding the strength to bring onboard his only catch of the day.

The sloppy and splattering sound of my inconsistent munching, slobbered the saliva like drizzles of rain in the forest, barely satisfying the emptiness of my growling stomach. Niminlani, seemed not to bother about it and hurriedly got to the other  business of the day. After, a brief time of his departure elapsed, I sprung up out of my chair like a leaping frog from one lily pad to the next, flipping papers and drawers of desks, attempting to almost, stop time in it's tracks to finish my obnoxious worry. Before, I could sit and finish up my breakfast, the abrupt shaking of the door, injected the immediate surprise and shock into the pulses of my blood vessels, thrusting myself under the desk, like an escaping rat from the human traffic of a city into the dumps of garbage in the dustbins. A few murmurs, collapsed into the small space of the surrounding of my ears, and the tension crawled through my skin like an army of ants, working into their anthill. I was squeezed, attempting to hold my position still, with the view of shiny polished shoes, and the stained sneakers of Nimilani, got closer to me enough, to inhale the faint aromas of food and shoe polish.

"My men, have been here a number of times, YOU WILL COOPERATE!" A shout got into the atmosphere, and Nimilani's brave and firm nature that he shows me, shrunk to the might of a squirrel against an elephant.


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