After, a long rumination, about all the compliments from lady co-workers and the irony of the horrors I saw in myself, answers were left hidden in their chambers. Time stood still before I could recollect if everything was true. However, the door was knocked again. "Heeeellloooo! Anyone home?" She asked. My legs, slid on the floor back and forth,  while on my couch and still in my office attire, trying to get to the door. Is this really going to happen? This shouldn't be happening, they don't really see who I am? It must be a lie? My steps halted and and flew forward like a robber trying to escape or a prisoner on the run. The heels clicked, one foot after another on the spot, and a chuckle and slight laugh came out, "Oh gosh! Are you like, trying to also.. Haha play this game with me? Are you? Okay mysttteerrious to huh? I like it!" She said. Briskly making my way to the door, I made faint steps as I got closer, and squinted to get a proper glimpse through the lens of the security glass on the door. I held the door knob, and stood still, feeling the cold steel, cool the warmth in my hands, breathing light sighs, and peeking at the security glass lens, a few more times. A few more knocks came from the door "Oooopppeeen! Okay, I've really been dying to be here c'mooon, okay you win, puweetty puweeezzz! Open?" She called out. A deep sigh and twist of the door knob, flew in a rushing, scent of perfume, enough to attract bees in the night, which covered the entrance and a stream of wine, smothering the polished wooden floor, apparently encased in a bottle of vodka rolling on the floor, after she wobbled in her heals and fell. Leaving the door open, the corridor light cast itself, upon the darkness of the room, and I knelt, ready to assist how I could. "Hahahaha woooooh!I'm in the hooussseee! With Jared! Wait it's Jared riight? Hold me my saviour!" She said.

"Lady? Who are you?" I asked. "Mee? Sorry, prince chaarmm... ing, I should be asking you? Haha" She asked. "Where do you think this is going? It's not going to end up like you think you will, there's too much going wrong in you to actually be shared? Remember last time? She left because of it, This is no different!" The voice in my head called out. "Arrgh!" I shouted. "Woooohh! Rawwwr! off to a great start! Haha!" She laughed. I brushed, my pants off, of any wine that had dripped on my attire and I slid on the polish of the floor and tiptoed towards the light switch area, swiping my arms on the wall until I found it. Slithering on the floor, like a well fed cobra, I assisted her to get to the couch. "So again I will ask, who are you, before I call the authorities?" I asked. A buzz, shook my pocket, and I was hesitant to answer in anticipation of her answer. The buzz continued in the midst of her slurred speech and silence. " First, I, you should answer yooo...ur phone hunny, don't want no one disturbing the fun, haha!" She said. After, the passing of a few seconds, I looked at my phone. A foreign number called. "Hello?" I answered. "Is Mary there?" A man asked. "Uuuuh! Mary is pressseeennt! Helloooo!" Mary answered. "Wait what? Who what?" Huh? I said. "Babe? Damn it Mary! I'm coming to get you, whoever you are that answered, you're finished" The man cut the call.

"What! Woman, I mean Mary! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Having fuuun! Woooh! I really like you btw! I've heard stoories, I mean stooowiiiess haha!" Mary replied. I tagged on to my pants and held my head simultaneously, pacing up and down, before I could gather what was happening. Before, my heart rate could go back to normal, my phone vibrates, although only for a short moment. It's her, my former love, who had run away from the horrors, I harbour mentally. The joy showered my tension with relief, as she had finally sent a text. "Hi. Look, I know, things aren't really great with us now, but there's something urgent I need you to know, my best friend, Mary, has somewhat wound up close to where you stay. Her fiance, is blowing up my phone trying to find her, I sent him your number to call you, I hope all will be well, I'll be there in a few". "Oh Jaaareeed! I think I want you to be my new boyfriend" Mary said. "Your what?"I asked.


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