
Showing posts from August, 2023


"... A mad man is the only person who justice can shelter, if their behaviour hurts society, however, saints and sinners still bicker about who is the holder of greater virtues between them." My eyes scrolled passed the last sentence of the paragraph on the thin white paper of my self-help book recommended by my therapist. I'd also finally just updated my CV as the sunset was closely approaching and another day of the job search had gone unfruitful, as I stared deeply through the window at the people with big cars, happy families and infectious laughter of friend groups coming in one after another. "Good day isn't it?" The waiter said. "Ehem, sorry, sorry just finishing up" I said. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries, suddenly congested the brim of my nostrils, when I lifted the cup for a sip and bite of my pie, after I anxiously continued waiting for a reply to my numerous job application after coming out of the prison and asylum, som


 I wiped the sweat off my forehead for the fourth time, with my dusty palms, as she passed by. "Arggh! Foo! Is that today's or this week's sweat? Plus that fish you cook? Argh! Find a deo that works, if you have any!" Cindy, one of my female neighbours said. Empty and dusty alcohol glass bottles and kitchen utensils, clanged together, as I opened the door and waded through them, looking for space to drop my pan, oil and stove. Steve, my landlord, peeked through the corridor, and squinted towards me and made a rush to grab my hand before I entered. "Ey, my friend, stop there! You still have my rent money! I told you to sell that alcohol instead of that stuff in the market. Alcohol has money!" Steve said.  The noon sunlight shone threw the window, glistening the polished wooden window pane and the sweat on my forehead after I thumped myself on the thin mattress of my squeaking bed and looked on at my phone. "Aaah! One man, Roobaa! Robeerrt! Where are we g


 Its somewhat said, some ladies' hearts can be changed by the sums of money in places or people, while some men's desire can be changed by the appeal of beauty on a lady, but somewhere in the middle, the whispers of cupid's arrow try to find their direction. I was still trying to find out if it was true, holding my head, on the car door window, seeing my reflection on the side mirror, when we cruised the highway, and looked out seeing the market vendors, at bus stops, put up their solar charged lights, as we got closer to the venue. The crickets chirped in the shin-high grass we drove through, slowly into the open field, under the beaming yellow street lights, on the edges of the pavement. Car doors closed and the warmth of the recently rumbling engine radiated on my jeans through the cold of the air of the night, as I went to sit on the front of the car "What do you think I should do?" I said. Calvin, yawned out, shuffling through the grass, scratching his head &


 Another dodgy and mischievous month came to a close, and my ears still rang with complaints, from my seniors, within the past two months. It seemed the only thing keeping me sane, was spending my salary with my friends for a good time. Unfortunately, it was still the same reason I ended being hounded, at the work place on Monday mornings and probably my groggy self through the week.  For about an hour, people's subtle chatter in the pavements below the building, hummed through the air, and the slow breeze of wind flung the curtains open from time to time.  The never ending, staircase chatter played like a cassette on repeat, not to forget the neighbour who makes their in-house concert with the newly bought stereo they are proud of. The evening breeze, washed it's cold temperature, on the skin of my face, printing goosebumps, as I popped my head through the window to check if I could recognize anyone from above coming into the apartment building. Unfortunately, I only ended up