I wiped the sweat off my forehead for the fourth time, with my dusty palms, as she passed by. "Arggh! Foo! Is that today's or this week's sweat? Plus that fish you cook? Argh! Find a deo that works, if you have any!" Cindy, one of my female neighbours said. Empty and dusty alcohol glass bottles and kitchen utensils, clanged together, as I opened the door and waded through them, looking for space to drop my pan, oil and stove. Steve, my landlord, peeked through the corridor, and squinted towards me and made a rush to grab my hand before I entered. "Ey, my friend, stop there! You still have my rent money! I told you to sell that alcohol instead of that stuff in the market. Alcohol has money!" Steve said. 

The noon sunlight shone threw the window, glistening the polished wooden window pane and the sweat on my forehead after I thumped myself on the thin mattress of my squeaking bed and looked on at my phone.

"Aaah! One man, Roobaa! Robeerrt! Where are we going today? Graduation check! It's time to be free! but I'm still struggling with that hospital bill, that drinking in campus caught up, badly, Stress is a lot. No job yet. I hope those big bucks come through for a bro, but we need to party to get over these troubles! Your wallet is fat nowadays!" Jim's text read. 

"Eyyyy! You fun, fun friend! What's uuuup!! Today i'm heading out but just spent my last on rent, and i'm scrapping to help back at home, haven't been to therapy for my depression and anxiety yet, then again these old men sponsors, I just don't want to lose my integrity, you have me, on those bottles and shots at the club right? I hear you have a job now. Heh! Can't wait to meet you!" Susan's text read. I stuffed my face into my torn pillow, sighing and trying to get the comfort from my torn pillow after  being in the market since sunrise, however, only until my phone vibrated again. 

"The going is good so far yeah? Ladies, recognition, little  fame, but I know you are on your last coins. Either way let's meet today, you'll still have to step out for your friends but on my rules, if you want more. I need you to lure friends for their addiction fixes and make them my customers" Elvis' text read.

I could smell the sweat and fish on the clothes, I changed into, as I squeezed out of the bus, with people pushing me away from them and looked around at the bus stop for the location, Elvis, wanted us to meet. 

A smile and cherry scented perfume, welcomed me as my feet touched the freshly cleaned pavement,"Heeeeeh! The rumoours are true! Eh! Loaded man! Which building are you going to here? Eh what's that smell though?" Susan said. 

"Haha eh, hi, how are.. Huh? What smell?" I said. I pretended to walk away to look for the smell as I covered my nose, while Susan, moved around in disgust. 

"Heh! I don't even know, especially in such a place, can you imagine?" I said. "Uuff yeah! Anyway it's interesting to bump into you! Today, you're my sponsor! I heard the dates you've taken Charity on, haha I'm jealous!" Susan said. My phone suddenly buzzed and Elvis was calling. 

"Haha eh what are you here for as well though? I'm heading to meet someone." I said. "Eh, meeeeting ah! Haha okay. I'm just here sending my CVs everywhere and small job hustling. Call me before you leave" Susan said.

The scent of expensive cologne, and the clicking of shoes on the marble floor of the restaurant, told me Elvis was near. "Ah, my best employee! Are you ordering anything?" Elvis asked. 

"Hah! Ahh stuffed from today!" I said. A quick coffee was was already on the table for Elvis, as I kept my distance, not to expose my pungent scents. "Life is tough huh? Don't worry, I have a job for you. I have my big clients bringing in a new type of drug into the market, I know you won't let me down, test it tonight, bring me the results, lets make money like we always have and get you out of scrapping for jobs" Elvis said. 

"Ahh, uhm, okay" I said. "Don't mess this up, if you do, I'll leave you to the dogs and erase you from the world, remember, all that money to support your family is from me." Elvis said. A very short meeting happened between Elvis and I. I stuffed the ziplock bags slowly into my pockets of my jacket and sat staring at the glass table with the order for the take away supper he made for me.

The sunset struck the horizon of city towers and buildings, as I made my way to the bust stop, and only saw the silhouettes of people from offices making a rush to their residences. "Hello! Hello! I see you! What's the rush?" Susan said. 

"Huh? Wha.. What?!" Ohh phew Susan, you scared me!" I said. 

"What seems to be the rush? You seem to be so absent minded?! You haven't even hit me up" Susan said. "Uhmm, it's just been a long day you know? Hustle." I said 

"But you've been making the big bucks of late, or that's how that life is?" Susan said. "Y... In a way, I mean, we have to find a means, to get the cash, are you still feeling stressed? If so I might have something for it" I said. Old radios played and the street lights were soon flickering on as we arrived near the hangout place with  Jim. To their surprise, we weren't going to party. "How are we doing? Are they knocked out yet?" Elvis sent a text.

"Ehh, Robaa! Salary guy! You always pull through for us! Always, today what do you have, things have been crazy!" Jim said. "What is taking so long?! That drug is supposed to act fast! Don't play around, I'm with your family right now. Fool around and they get it" Elvis texted. I slowly, played around my pockets and told them it was a surprise. 

I placed the needle with the syringe and with drew the drug from the vial. "Are you guys ready?" I asked. "Ready?!" Jim and Susan said. The needle pierced them and the drug was immersed into their body after a slight struggle for consciousness. After a few minutes, my phone rang "It is done?" Elvis asked. 'It is" I said. "Perfect, we are on our way to pick them" Elvis said. I quickly began dragging their bodies out of the way. " Susan, Jim, you guys are there? Hello?... I think they got the place of the drug traffic, send all authorities and law enforcement into the area" A mic called out from their jackets.


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