Another good deed, another day I looked at my journal, to count them until they hopefully pay off. My journal and I, had been friends since I hit this stage of life.

One more deep sigh, from being overlooked like gum under the seat, as I walked past the school locker corridor. The stomping of feet and invisible feeling to others blew past me like winds on a tree leaf.

I was still on the first few pages of my journal, which were already filled up. Awaiting to make my new entry, with a deep sigh. My pondering mind went at it, with questions again. Why hasn’t she looked at me and why haven’t the “cool kids” acknowledged me? Maybe I need new clothes? I need to stand up to someone?

My stomach suddenly clenched inside out and my heart pumped faster than a sprinter straight out of a race, at the clicking of her heels.

As the rose scented perfume wafted past me, I dared to take another chance to reach out, with a flinching smile.

“Hey! Hey! Hi Cathy! Did you check my new post on social.. uhm.. social media?” I said

“Pfft, loser!” Cathy said

Soon, the bulky figure of Dan, which squeezed his shirt, dwarfed Cathy as he walked in front of her and held her close. She gave a peek at me, for a second as she hugged him and smiled.

“Daaaaan!” Cathy said.

The gaze and smirk from Dan’s face, straight at me, forcibly made me stare, and try stand my ground. Struggling to fight the feeling of being thwarted, if I tried to retaliate. The school bell returned my attention to the stampeding students moving from class to class.

My journal was not going to get enough of what I was going to write for the third month, this has been happening.

What does a guy really need to do at times? The never-ending question did dances and all gymnastics in my mind since I got back for the fresh term.

It’s the bus drive home. Vehicles rumbling outside. Possibly, just my thoughts hoovering in my mind. Keeping me company.


Until posters of a party began to fly around. A bit of a shy giggle and slight waving of a poster, held by chubby hands broke my stray of attention. It was Jane. She was my other friend, who possibly, had been trying to get my attention for the three months as well. Another story for my journal.

“Ehem, sleepy, are we? Are you going for the party?” Jane asked.

“Uhm, I haven’t been in a party mood as such” I said

“Jaaaammmes! C’mon! You always saaay that!”

She crossed her arms as she gave me a look from the side of her eye.

“Jaaane, we already went to the park the other day” I said

She ignored me for a while.

“It was only for 15 minutes” Jane said.

She looked away as she shrugged her shoulders. Things went silent as chatter about the party went on, and Jane, kept peeking at me as I stared at my phone from time to time.

My stop came and I drop off and Jane hugged for a while before I left the bus.

I’m grabbing my phone again, trying to see if my follower count or views have gone up. I just pressed the “post” button. Before I could take the moment to process the loading page, I heard “…Wow, how many likes are those?!”

I should get off these apps. Before I did, rose scented perfume came around and my eyes couldn’t close. The slender model-like figure, reflected on the restaurant windows right ahead of me. It was Cathy, and I stood for a while before I had the courage to turn.

“Uh..Uh.. Huh, uh Ca..Cathy, what doing here? I said

“Hah! Not here for you of course, I’m getting ready for tomorrow, just need to..” She said.

“I know the owner of the beauty shop” I said.

“You what?” She asked.

Cathy’s narrow eyes opened wide and her slender palms covered her glossy lips. She got a bit closer, and I could almost not get enough of her perfume this close. My journal will definitely know more of this.


“Wait? What? How? Can.. Can you ask her to open please?” She asked.

“I actually used to work for her and went on some of her tours as a personal assistant.. But.. But yeah sure, I can hit her up” I said.

The phone rang and I wished it would take longer so that she would anticipate it and maybe hopefully cling on more. Suddenly she picked up and she mentioned she was away for a while and she’d be back in a few.

“So, I guess maybe you might need me anymore huh?” I said

“Mmmhh.. Do you really wanna go?” She said

“I mean.. I mean, uhm.. Hah! Guess you’ll probably just be here alone so..” I said.

I moved to the chair, one empty one away from her. It went a bit silent for a while, and she stared at some of the posters with my name, which were on the lower end of the windows. She widened a smile slightly as she went through the posters.

 “So, this is you? You really weren’t lying huh?” She said

“Uhm.. Haha yeah.. Sooo…” I said

“Sooo…” She said.

“Uhm, I just startled in thought a bit.. I mean how’s homework, arrgh, I mean plans, for uhm tomorrow?” I said

“So far, I’m here with you at my favourite beauty shop.. With the most famous stylist, that you know, but maybe I may not go for the party” She said

“Wow.. You mean like, you won’t, I mean you’re like the envy of other ladies and.. Like most guys dream girl in school.. And you’re with.. Dan and yeah. How are we actually talking here? I said.

“Maybe, tomorrow might just like where we are now” She said.


Jane soon appeared, to also get ready for tomorrow. 


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