Wiping the dust and peeling paint off his hands, Trakus, guided the way into a hidden path, past a heap of scrap metal, that led us to the underground base where he had been operating secretly. The beams of light that struck my eye with precision, becoming a welcoming as I walked passed the rocky terrain, removing mask, that was patterned with holes, as though mice had made a meal of it. My mouth, begged for a droplet of water, with every dryness that formed crevices on the surface of my skin, as we kept on walking through the cave-like town, bubbling with all sorts of people. "How did you let him get away?!" Fists clenched and with an urgent grab on my shirt, Trakus, shook me, almost ripping out what was left of the loose strings that held his shirt together. "Uhm, ah, ah, uhm, huh?! I tri...ed" A pulsating heart, rushed all the blood in my body everywhere, as well as my voice that uttered to the point of sounding like gibberish. "Arrgh! I'm... My family got captured, when all this started... I'm..." Trakus' lessened his strength on the grip, one finger after another, as some sobs exuded sorrow, that married it with a crushing pain, within him. Some people, stopped to look at what happened, as I hurriedly brought him up and continued the walk like nothing had happened.

The metal doors, slid apart, and the buttons were punched on after the other, when we walked in to Trakus' base of operations. Computers and wiring buzzed, rang and created all sorts of noises as Trakus' didn't waste time into getting to find a way to make sure he ended this. My guilt, poured out of my skinny and lanky frame, with a bottle of water in my hand that soothed the dryness, that my body had. I jumped over the wires, and important equipment that filled the base. "Uhm, can I help?" I stood closer and closer where Trakus was working. "You want to help? You need to be better" The words sunk my enthusiasm, as the coarse voice, filled itself into my ear. "What do I need to do? Harry is my friend too, as well as the rest" I tried to distract a busy Trakus, who seemed to be totally consumed by the process of making sure that he gets back his family and save Harry. "Harry and I, came together after John started his tyranny over the people! He knows what it means!" Trakus' voice became louder and his eyes redder as he approached me dropping his equipment.

I walked away, towards the gym, and started working and trying to become fitter. Trakus' voices, burned their tones from loud to louder, after every step I made when I ran. My sore body dropped to the ground. Staring at the ceiling, my muscles twitched. Memories ran faster than I could through my mind about everything, and I remained still in that position. "Everyone under here survived, keep working!" Drowsiness crept in, as I faintly heard Trakus' coarse voice through the corridor.


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