Nicholas continued to shake on and wriggle on the floor as he murmured and groaned. "What?! What the hell are you saying?!" I shouted, standing and trying to get close to Nicholas. The equipment in the room was knocked, all over and the place, with his continuous erratic movements. He crawled on the floor like an insect, burrowing into the ground, wiping his stains from his clothes all over the floor. My tension blew in waves. "Hello! Hello!" I shouted into the radio microphone, that seemed to be only be myself talking into, and Trakus' voice was as absent as clean air in a smoky environment. I moved hurriedly towards Nicholas and held him by his shoulders and he kept trembling in my already tired and skinny arms. The tremors from his body, overwhelmed my arms, and I kept collecting him from his near moments of collapsing to the ground. After struggling with him for quite a lengthy amount of time, I searched with every angle that my eye could see and my arms could reach around the tool box, that was near the computers Trakus was using and found some tape and elastic ropes. Every muscles in body, strengthened and contracted to lift Nicholas and his fidgeting body to the nearest bench. The efforts of my strength and the movements Nicholas made, were in constant battle to outdo each other, as each passing minute, spelled, a new chapter of the fight. Finally, my efforts were victorious, and Nicholas' movements, succumb to defeat.

The ripping sound of the tape, silenced the knocks that Nicholas caused, with my aggressive and ferocious attempts to keep Nicholas at bay with his erratic movements. At long last, I completed, the tiresome task, wiping off the small droplets of sweat that scrambled themselves, all over my body. I stopped to catch my breath for a bit of a moment. Nicholas still tried to fidget, but the tape and ropes, seemed to win the fight. The murmurs, continued to pour out like water from a fountain, despite all the tedious movements he had been making. "What is it?!" I asked, with every breath of frustration that my voice could air out. "They....." Nicholas said, with a faint voice. I grew continuously, tired of trying to understand what Nicholas was saying. In a moment, I decide to stand and stroll around the base. Coming across the turn near the main area, where the computers were, I found a piece of paper that seemed to have been folded up and stepped on. On picking it up to throw it, the faint ink, that was on the paper, seemed to spell Nicholas' name and a few words on it. "...I will be with you shortly" were the words in ink, that still seemed legible.

I kept walking around the scene, where Nicholas came from, to see if I could find more. Nothing seemed to be available to be picked or gathered to help with, what I had found. The buttons of computer stared before me, and my curiosity gripped the nerves in my hand and pushed them to search about Nicholas.


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