Rumbling of the engine, and the slight shaky hands, went together in movement, as I fitted myself into the leather chair of the driver's seat. I let the car continue, warming up, which silenced the murmurs and noise that Nicholas was making. "You can do this! You can do this!" I affirmed myself, with passing minutes, before embarking to find my answers. The car screeched and swiveled, like it didn't have a steering wheel after I'd pressed the down on the accelerator. Unrivaled tension pulsated with every beat of my heart, contracting every fiber of muscle in my body. trying to get control and understand what I was doing. I passed out the main entrance, still trying to get control of the car, nearly knocking the people on the way. People started to throw all manner of things to the van, and even try puncture the tires in a bid to stop the car from moving. I pressed all sort of buttons to get the car moving properly, as I grazed on walls from time to time.

After a mess of the underground city, I finally got control of the van. I looked back to see Nicholas, and he was still strapped on the table although some of the tape, had slightly been torn apart from the table from the reckless driving I had been doing. He started to try and break free from the tape, as soon as I started to stop the van. My hands, grew quickly into fists, clenching onto the leather of the chairs, rushing to get to the back of the van in order to keep Nicholas from escaping. Every skinny muscle in my body was fighting to give me the strength to put Nicholas and the table together. Equipment, collided all over the place, distracting me from the pursuit of getting Nicholas on the table, as he kept knocking on the window to try and escape. In a moment of spontaneity, I knocked Nicholas, with all the strength I could conjure. The darkness of my closed eyes, grew brighter, as slow as moving honey, after my eyelids, lifted themselves when the seemingly loud noise, that Nicholas made when he knocked the metal of the car. Gasping air, quicker after each passing second, Nicholas' unconscious body, covered my sight, and the murmurs had finally come to a halt. My disbelief, gripped me harder than, a carnivore's teeth and claws on a piece of flesh. I looked at my body to check if anything had changed about me withing the few minutes we left the base.

The silence that filled the van, after the shocking incident, came to an end, after I suddenly got myself together and started getting myself prepared to go out and look for anything that matched what Nicholas was saying. I strapped myself with all types of necessary gear that I though was important and left the van. All the driving I had done, was only passed through the outskirts of the city. Most of the cameras where didn't seem to be vandalized. I interacted with many people, and none seemed to say anything was wrong. After a tiresome interrogation, I walked to a final place, and found a few misplaced papers to Nicholas' letter.


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