
Showing posts from May, 2021


 My gasps, sped with an unrelenting force through the surfaces of my throat without a moment to spare and jumped into the air, of the vent, which, I had barely inserted myself into, while clutching onto Azoe's dead weight, straining my bicep . The echo of my panting, sunk into my ear, when I felt the grip, tighten, and sink into the fibers of my jacket. My arms, wrestled, desperately against the force of the grip, squeezing, ounces of strength, that burst like small sparks, of electricity, into my emotions, and clutched onto the metal, which my soiled fingerprints, slid off from, like slugs. The skin, on my back was abruptly intruded with a chilling slight breeze, which crept, a bit shy of my upper back, with grains of sand trickling and tickling together with the breeze. "Arrrgh!" The shouts of the people, attempting to capture us, crashed into my ear, as the grip intensified and I felt, my body, float further towards the surfaces. The grains of sand, sunk its weight, li


Grains upon grains of sand, flew into the air like wafted pollen from flowers, showering, on the surface of my plastic goggles, into a faint temporary layer of tint, that kept sliding off. I kept hearing the thudding noise, of fists, puncture, into the threads of nylon, stinging a sharp panic in my breath. The darkness, latched onto every encroaching ray of light, that was possibly seen to the naked eye. Scratches on the ground, disrupted the multitude, of things, touching on my consciousness. I turned, to see Azoe, engaging, in all manner of strenuous, muscle exhausting, hits to a few corners, breaking into the ground, like a mole rat. "What are you doing? Is there a way out?" I whispered with the little air passing through my throat, slowly walking backwards to Azoe. "Huh? No time to talk, never going back" He said, panting, away his fear. In a matter of seconds, my hope, was sunken by the faint sound of the tears of the bags, instilling, more pumps of blood fille


 The chatters, rumbled into my ear like two evenly matched wrestlers, as Azoe's hands, encroached on the vicinity of my nose, which saturated my airways with a muddy scent, and subtle hints of petroleum oil. I stood, wrapped like a mummy in a coffin, in the grip until, the chatters soon started to sound fainter, with a matter of passing seconds. Upon releasing me, I gasped a huge inhale of air, to satisfy my pleading lungs suffering the pain of suffocation, which still collected the residue of mud and oil, from Azoe's hands. "Wha...What was... t...that?" I asked, holding my expanding chest, and bent grasping my knee. "Gotta be careful" Azoe replied, slumping himself into the sacks of sand, like an object sliding on a grease spread surface. "What? What is going on? What is this place even?" I asked, casually grabbing upon another sack of sand, to sit down. "Gotta be careful, I'm not being taken in by that guy again!" He replied in slig


 Azoe eye's were sculpt into a stare, deep into the space between us, for a century, before, any joint in his body moved to fold any part of his, old, and heavily stained clothes, that swung loose threads, like a torn spider's web from the wall. "I said Trakus" I replied, gesturing my hands, by shaking them to affirm my answer. "Uhhm, uhm, uhm, kind of sounds familiar but I can't pinpoint it" He said, scratching his head, a lot more and shaking himself back to reality. "Do you know anything? I'm sure there's much you can try to fill me in on?" I asked, holding Azoe by the shoulders and shaking him. "Hahahaha! Ahhh, you can't even push around a poor old victim of a tyrannt, c'mon follow me, with the little bravery that sparks you" Azoe said, and bolstering himself with a jump into a walk further in the tunnel. The little droplets of water, from broken, thin and rusty pipes, which protruded from the brick walls, become a


 Murmurs and words latched onto every part of his airways to escape his mouth, and were being silenced in erratic fashion, through the engulfing and wrapping tone of his coarse voice. The light of the torch, swung, in the motion of his unstable wrist joint, causing uneven burst of illumination through the raised dust, that was formed from his wriggling motions on the ground. Crickets and insects, had their chirps echo into the tunnel, louder, from the ruffling of the plants, on the ground. "What is it? Are you okay now?" I asked, after patiently waiting for him to regain his strength. "Ungh, where are you from? Who...a...ree you? Don' me" He replied, faintly clinching his fists, and staggering in his stance, before falling again. "Well, I'm Timmy, I happen to be from this city as well" I replied, lifting my hands in the air. "Ungh! Ungh! Uuunngh! What do you know?? Unngh, where....are...we?" He asked,


 Varying rays of faint light, squeezed themselves past the crevices of the rubble and shone unevenly, bursting away the cave-like encroaching darkness which, crawled itself all over the entrance of the tunnel,  throughout the surfaces of the flight of stairs. Fading growls, soothed the monstrous panic that drew most of the air out of my lungs. Only the thuds of their large fists, crowded the silence that filled the underground tunnel and blew dust and small pebbles on the first flight of stairs. The nail- prickling sensation that was welcomed from my sting of the muscles, burned into the depth of my muscle fibers, when I tried to support myself to my feet. Upon brushing the scattered tint of dust that cover my goggles, heavy breathing and speeding up footsteps held onto the spaces of my ear, and clasped onto every ounce of my curiosity choking it, to be quenched. I squinted through the remaining faints rays of light and pitch black darkness, before, my feet carried me, with an accompan


 The hinges of the door, parted their union and squeaked open. My shoe sole rubbed against, the fairly rough surface, outside the door step pushing up, litter that spread itself out across the alley which helped disguise, Harry's spot. A deep breath, burst an attempt to calm myself, before making another step. I walked, exhaling away, my tension, filtering through the smallest of pores, of my mask. The walk ways, were compiled heaps of rubble that shook, particles of loose hanging gravel and soil, after every heavy step that the large creatures seemed to  make. Mist, suddenly clouded my view, after I had gotten closer towards the main roads of the city, and also made stealthy movements, not to alert any of the large creatures that I was walking around. My back slid against the cracked concrete of the walls, almost, gripping into the flesh of my back, with their sharp metal bars that had bent outwards. The stealth that was my strongest shield against that fear-inducing, environment

PART 30 - GO

 My fingers, merged its prints, on each part of the surface of the page, faster and faster with every swipe I made. I pointed my eyesight to the whole surface of the picture multiple times, to try and conclude that it was Trakus. Blinking, seemed to be caught in time, as I froze in a complete state of shock, and denial, when I kept moving from the file to what I had found near curtains. I went back and forth with the pages, that were proving to be never-ending in the amount that was placed within the the file. More pictures, fell out of the file like dead leaves shed from a tree during an Autumn season. My hands, quickly, engulfed the surrounding air, to capture the pictures, before they could get to the ground. The pictures, blew in the air, like confetti, with my attempts that caused the springs to squeak louder, as my spine was bent to numerous directions, almost, falling onto the dry, and partially polished floor. Some of the pictures cramped, in a few of my grips that flew in the