The clanging of metal objects were barbarically, burst into the atmosphere, with ground shaking footsteps, moulding its tones to the overbearing shouting that crashed into my ear as I attempted to make the best of a swivel, squeezing into the entrance of the tunnel. "Ahhh, aahh, ah!" Azoe shouted with every palm, squeezing all it's life on the boulder, that broke off, as he tried to climb back up. My spine, turned to the posture of a snake, coiling, into the tight space, in the tunnel seeking to help Azoe, who's shouting seemed to fade, the more he tried to climb up. The small particles of cloudy dust and uneven lumps of soil, burst out, smearing the tip of nose, as my hand, broke through to scavenge for Azoe's hand. Fingers fiddled lightly through the slowly growing thick mass of sand, that sunk my wrist into, a straining battle to avoid, being dragged by it. A subtle touch of hands, brushed, on the hard, soiled and heavy gloves, that dangled by my wrist. Without a moments hesitation, I thrust my hand further, to clasp, onto what I assumed was Azoe hand, only to feel, a mighty tug on my wrist.

A relentless battle with the tug swallowed my strength, and made the fight, a lot harder, with never-ending pouring of sand, increasing in it's weight. The muffling of Azoe's voice, started to slowly fade, with the tip of my nose, being washed by dust and soil, into the sand and out of the tunnel. "Ahhh, Heell...pp, Never, Never!!" Azoe's voice crashed into my ears, as he clutched onto one of the henchmen that had clenched onto my wrist. My abdomen, swirled through the tunnel and flapped around like a fish out of water. I began to be slowly overpowered by the force of the soil and tugging strength of the henchman. Cracking sounds, soon started to engulf my groaning to overcome, the henchmen, and a chilling sound of tearing flesh, sunk deeply into my eardrum as I suddenly felt the tug loosen. A cool liquid ran through the mesh of my gloves as the tunnel began to break more and more apart. "Azoe! Azoe!" I called out as I tried to grasp the small torn apart ends of tunnel, that was making my balance, feel like a house, founded on hay.

More of the workers, began to fight against the henchmen, and others were also helping the henchmen. I began to fall down hearing the continuous, chants and violence, crowd the air that was around. Finally, I met the ground, with a surprisingly soft force than I had started my descent with. Metal was swung near my face, with not a second to spare, and the dust flew off my face immediately.



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