I thought about how my next breaths would add more to my life, and possibly those of others. The buzzing of my phone, reminded me, I have yet to deliver to some promises, that were extremely needed. The last time I answered, my daughter couldn't speak well. It was all on me now. My eyes, glued their surface to the ground, from the stares and sudden slow walks that I invited as I made awkward steps into the thin spaces available in the human traffic, on the pavement, while occasionally, shooting my eyesight, to what was in front of me. Strain, latched onto my legs, while trying to keep my mind focused, on the distance, where uneven shades of yellow, which came from cracked street lights, patching, the recently darkened walls and chipped cement floor, slowly appearing in the horizon, when I made my way, squishing through the tossed paper bags and rotting fruit in the smudgy mud on the paths of the market. Before, I could be wrapped in relief, I shook the coins in my pocket, realizing, I may not be able to fund this objective, and stared at the red plus sign on the window, with scents of medicines strongly wafting, into every surface of my nostrils, while leaving the door half open, and loosely holding the handle. Gazing at my reflection breaking in a rippling puddle of water, I tried to still craft  a smile, which was disfigured from the drizzle, making a light wash of the ground. "I don't think statues stand at the door!" The slight tapping of a baton, tapped my shoulder. "Oh!" I jumped and swiped my shoes on the doormat hurriedly, putting together my torn jacket, attempting to hide my embarrassment before I sat in the waiting room.

I squeezed myself into the space, closest to the wall, and tucked my hands into my jacket pockets, trying to conjure some warmth from the cold that had showered me before I got in. Silence, engulfed the air, as everyone's fate stood in the balance, awaiting for their appointments. Their stares to the ceiling and restlessness in their seats, as well as the humming of fans, were the only things that broke the silence. The tightening of my chest clenched aggressively at my ability to breath, as I pressed onto all strength to make it to the appointment. Flashes of my joyous moments, blew past my mind, wondering if I may ever, make more smiles anymore, the more the appointment took longer to be announced. Children talking and laughing only reminded me what my palms were having a drought of , "Number 104" the speaker called out. "Number 104" the speaker called out again. I carefully lifted my head holding my scarf close by, to see who it would be. "Yes, please come to the counter" the lady at the booth, pointed at me, and I looked on dazed, making small steps. "You are here to see Dr. Kamiwa?" she asked. "Unggh... huh? Ye...No.. Wait..." I tried to stop the cough rumbling in my chest from getting in the way. "This way, please" A nurse stood, a meter away pointing into the corridor that was filled with cries, joys and possible moments of the ends.

"Zomo, it has been a while" A familiar voice, I recalled, after the door squeaked, when it was carefully opened, and a half opened curtain illuminated the street lights. "Ye...Yeah!" I closed the door, making my steps to the desk. "Your wife, needs..... the other man" The doctor stood straightening his stethoscope towards the bench.


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