
Showing posts from February, 2021


 "Wait? What?" My eyebrows twisted in confusion, at the news. "Dude, I'm lucky to have even bumped into you" Harry's voice tone went up, as we stood on the walk way, going from question to question, in the empty streets. After, all the chattering, we got to walking through the empty streets, as Harry directed the way. "Where are we going? What was that thing in the silhouette by the way?" My puzzled mind, sought to keep asking more and more questions each time. "Don't worry, you seem to be new here, lucky enough for you, you met up with someone you know" Waving the mist in the air and some fumes, Harry gave answers as he could see fit. Growling like an unfed beast, my stomach, chanted songs of hunger as the distance grew larger and larger. More distance, seemed to reveal more, as some buildings, only stood as tall as a bush in the savanna, from great destruction. Others, were a representation of partially destroyed and stable. Posters


 "Haaah!" Covering my face, moving away from the collision, that nearly shaved the fibers of on my clothes. Spin chilling white noise, gripped my ear composed by crunching bones, and intense blows,  that entertained my field of vision. Every kick, aggressive collision and punch, was as close as a bee on a flower's pollen, to hitting me, despite every attempt to screech my sneakers as strong as I could to escape the situation. Sluggishly carrying myself, on the painted sidewalk, I staggered away into the mist. The screams of help, began growing faint, and I slowly stopped to catch my breath, in relief that I was away from the chaos, which was still trying to inject all amounts of fright in every blood vessel in my body. "Oh my goossh!" A sudden whisk of air, singed the corner of wall, I was up against trying to catch my breath. Breaking of bricks, alternated with the shattering of glass, for a few seconds before coming to a halt. The building, opposite me, was as


It was like the clouds had fallen to the ground. My sight continuously, trying to pierce the ash grey coloured type of air, to find a proper image of anything I could resemble. "Aaahh! Anggh! He...eee...ll...p!" Helplessness, took flight, to merge itself into my ear, and stiffen my anxious self, as more screams filled the air. The silhouette stood, facing me, standing still like it grew feet into the ground. Pumping sounds of my heart gradually increased, and my shirt, slowly, grew into a swamp of sweat on my armpits and back. "Haa..rry! Maa...r! Suu..ssan! Jaamm...ees!" I threw my head in every direction, as I tried to look for my friends, but to no avail. I slowly moved closer, towards the silhouette, waving away the dense mist. Each step pulsated fear, from every beat of my heart, that continued to keep beating heavily. Roads were as bare as a blank sheet of paper, with no vehicles in sight. Buildings were as empty as they were when they were first


  What makes a good detective? Is all you can know, really all you can know? Junk food and time, helped me on this. This where it all began. The ringing sound of what was aged metal echoed in the wind blowing, empty space of the corridor, that soon became a similar picture of captured prey, with a predator of chatter, screams of joy and shouts of celebration. The doors welcomed the suns rays from their aggressive opening. Walking out into the air, puffed up my lungs heavier than a moment of surprise. Inhaling all the scents nature, burst into the air, sprung the intense ability to smile that almost felt never ending. I bounced in my walk, brushing the pavements hard surface, making the screeching sounds, with my rubber soles on the glossy paint. My cellphone buzzed, continuously, and I kept fidgeting from left to right, around and all over, trying always trying to get to it, through the busy and congested human traffic as I made my way towards the bus station. "He...