
Showing posts from August, 2021

PART 44 - IN

 My knees were in jelly form, squashing and wobbling at each, exertion of strength that surged through my veins, when attempting to capture every pouring ounce of proper balance. The seemingly fading panting, leaped into our ears, like frogs on lily pads, and were on a continuous loop, the further our urgent runs covered the stretching distance. "Arrggh! Arrrgh!" Trakus shouted. "This way" Azoe said. A sharp left corner, thrust the joints in my legs into a rubber band stretch, leaving me clutching into the air for support before finally, swinging like a vine into a running motion, brushing against the dry, sand paper rough, bricks on the wall, that scrapped away at my skin.  A few minutes later into the run, the high pitched, squealing, frequencies of alarm sound, pummeled into the ambience, crushing our concentration, into crumbs, dropping us like rain, into the ground. The faint panting, cunningly crept in between the muffling sounds of the alarm, scratching into


 My eyes, pumped into inflation through, the space of my goggles, tugging themselves closely, onto the increase of pulsations of the beats of my heart, after the horizon, that crafted itself before me, plastering it, deep into my mind. The chilling whistling breeze, cracked the silence, that was choking the air, as the sudden violence of Azoe, exploded into the space of the entrance. " Arrgh! What the..."  Trakus shouted, after Azoe, sunk, an anvil of a punch, into his spherical abdomen, squeezing the strength of his buttons apart, leaving him struggling to balance. The dark eradicating, brightness, of the white bulb, beamed, beside, the corner of my eye-brow, and the mild breeze, dropped bursting shivers and trembling waves of decreasing temperature, through my skin trying to make one jelly-like step after the other towards Azoe and Trakus. "Down with you!" Azoe shouted, crunching his knuckles on the fibers breathing for relief on his tightly hugging clothes, that


 Nausea, pin-pricked through the nerves of my stomach, as each attempt to spit the blood from my viscous congested mouth, sent it in a surge of swimming through my drying and irritated throat and bubbled an erupting vomit, squeezing itself, for a gushing release. The drowziness, strung its soothing influence, further into the circumference of my eyes, increasing the weight of my eyelids, until a coarse voice plugged the distraction of sleeping and plunging into consciousness, sending me, into a sudden swinging motion. The brute and gore chants of the crowd, sunk into the depths of my ear, and gradually, deflated like a pierced vehicle tire, into a enclosing quiet environment. "Friend! Wake.." Azoe nudged my crippling body, before I began to cough, the choking vomit, strangling the air seeping through any space to come out. "Unngh! Unngh" I crawled, like a tortured slave, deeply clawing my sight into the ground, and scratching away at the soil, burning my thoughts ab


 My neck, turned itself like the unscrewing of a light bulb, with the lightning quick, whisk of air, from the strike of a metal bar, injecting a blood bursting intoxication of fear, sinking into my thin, exhausted fingers, which dug into the diamond hard, surface of the boulder. The flesh tearing and bone crunching, gore of the battle, clasped its hands into the tinted and dusty surface of my goggles, plunging my fighting spirit into the air, springing my legs, through the small dunes of sand. A few matter of seconds, called an awakening, deep and coarse shout, crashing its decibels, through the vicinity of pungent sweat, swirling, after every punch, kick and strike of objects, into flesh and breaking boulders. My strongly focused attention, was abruptly shattered, and strung like a kitten with a ball of string to Azoe, to his vein popping clench of fists, that were bathed and generously painted with blood, to his elbow, and a fair amount onto the thread hanging tears of his clothing.


 The clanging of metal objects were barbarically, burst into the atmosphere, with ground shaking footsteps, moulding its tones to the overbearing shouting that crashed into my ear as I attempted to make the best of a swivel, squeezing into the entrance of the tunnel. "Ahhh, aahh, ah!" Azoe shouted with every palm, squeezing all it's life on the boulder, that broke off, as he tried to climb back up. My spine, turned to the posture of a snake, coiling, into the tight space, in the tunnel seeking to help Azoe, who's shouting seemed to fade, the more he tried to climb up. The small particles of cloudy dust and uneven lumps of soil, burst out, smearing the tip of nose, as my hand, broke through to scavenge for Azoe's hand. Fingers fiddled lightly through the slowly growing thick mass of sand, that sunk my wrist into, a straining battle to avoid, being dragged by it. A subtle touch of hands, brushed, on the hard, soiled and heavy gloves, that dangled by my wrist. Withou