
Showing posts from April, 2021


 The interrupted voices that came from the speaker, knocked around the air, rebounding on every surface, the further, I pulled more layers of the curtain. My vision was greeted with, small broken pieces of plastic, that were scattered on the floor, lying in between the bottom parts of the curtains. Buzzing sprayed in the air, when I pushed the plastic away with the surface of my sneakers, that squeaked, as I got to a silky smooth, polished surface, slipping each step that the rotation of my ankle joint. It wasn't as soon as a minute passed, that I finally grabbed the speaker, with my dusty palms, and made more only got more dustier, when I twisted and turned it to view each part of the speaker. Wires, poured out of the back end of the speaker, that seemed to buzz, like a disturbed bee hive. Smoke, burst into the air, I was breathing in, irritating my nose hairs, into a sneezes that seemed to be guided by a choir master after, some wires, blew fuses and the voices came to an abrupt

PART 28 - IS IT?

 The gleam that struck the sight of Trakus' shoe, in the corner of fading darkness,  painted the curtains which were slightly blown by the breeze, visiting the house, from small cracks in the glass. Groans, climbed up my throat, with zeal, and jumped out of my mouth, when I squirmed on the floor, trying to get up and fulfill my excitement in getting a small glimpse of a probable existence of Trakus. My jacket, spent a lot of time on the partially finished polishing on the wooden floor, as I began having to slide, to get a better view of things. One palm after the other, I pressed off the floor, lifting me up, and slowly getting my feet to the stability of a deep rooted tree into the ground. The dust, attached onto me, like a stamp on a letter. I brushed every particles, coughing the stinging pain that warmed my chest. I was as close to the shoe, as the ground it was laying on. Carefully and in a pace that almost rewound time, I flicked the front part of the sole of the shoe with my


 The metal doors, blocked the horizon slowly, as the last thing I saw was Nicholas' confused face, staring at me, while the neon green lights beamed from the top of the lift, onto the rubber carpet on the ground. My head slumped down, like a breaking tree branch, as I stared onto the ground with thoughts pouring out like water overfilling up a glass to the brim. Humming of the lifts parts, merged with the crowding silence, that accompanied me, as I kept passing each floor. Slowing pace, crept, after a few minutes, and the doors, opened revealing the horizon of Harry's place. My hands, were saturated in strain, after holding the heavy file, after only a few minutes. Despite, the strain, my skinny went through, I slightly felt stronger, after a few struggles. The scent of liquor, distributed itself generously through the air of the place. I made, my steps, squeaking some parts of the wooden floor, towards the desk where Harry had kept the picture of James, Susan, Mary and I. Time


 The interruptions in transmission, gripped every passing second in the ticking away of time, and after a moment of commotion, I gazed at the paper, on the file, from what felt like events, which spanned through a century. Attempting to tug every tip of my fingers, together every surface of my palms, on the wires, that wove each other like a knitted sweater, trying to fix what I could to get a better transmission. After a quick attempt at the screen, my attention, was pulled like strings on a puppet towards the file, to learn more about what I had found. Nicholas, become, more unstable, than a dry leaf, blown from the ground by a strong wind. He suddenly, become more of a bell than, as his zips seemed to be in a fight to see who would clang the loudest. The hyperventilation, that seemed to be muffling any other activity that was occurring at the base, faded into the background. I held onto his jacket, to try calm him, down which, summoned my body, to become a wrestling athlete in an ar


 My ear captured every decibel of my rapidly beating heart, a million times in a matter of seconds, pulsating together with the lightning quick breaths of air, that passed through, my air ways, which made me, end up sounding like a broken gas pipe. Each cell of my eye was beamed with the lights of the screen, that painted my face, all sort of colours, when I was uncovering more of my eyes, in the sheer, tension that my body seemed to be constricted by as my muscles, seemed to twitching in their frozen state. The view of people leaving the club, was given the brewing grounds of bubbling chaos. Cans and bottles of liqour, flew up in the air, and their chilling sound of the bottles being shattered and grounding themselves on flesh, to produce, crippling screams from people, that bounced, off my ear drums, and sunk down into the depths of my surprise and shock. Henchmen, couldn't fathom, the anger that grabbed, their fierce attempts to control the people, and clasped their overbearing


 The rumbling engine, slowly decreased in its noise, and tires came to a grinding halt, as I entered the base. Nicholas was still as confused as a person who had just visited earth for the first time. He fidgeted around the back of the van and the lady continued to stagger in her loss of soberness after every sip from her can. The thought of seeing James, Mary and Susan, continued to cripple my thoughts. I gazed into the steering wheel for what seemed to be an eternity. "Ahhhahahaha! Btw I'm LAAAURA!" The drunk lady, distributed high decibels of sound, into my ear, as she slid through the leather seats, to annoy me with her drunkard behaviour. It seemed as though I was struck with a spark of lightning through my body, and shook back into reality. My arm stretched out to collect the heavy file, stretching out the threads of my torn jacket, that looked like plucked feathers from a bird. The exhaustion gushed out of the pores of my skin like a river bursting its banks, pairi


 A drum couldn't compete with the sound that came from the roof. The dents formed were almost a punch further from ripping the whole roof apart. My ankles, swiveled through their joints, slipping through the pedals, which moved the car in every direction that a compass could point. Air passed out of me faster than a pricked balloon with a pin. The air seemed to get thin, each time, the tension built through my pressurized arteries and veins. I clenched onto the steering harder than the friction screeching tires did on the ground. The smell of burning runner was able to get to smear its stingy sensation through the van, and I coughed my eyes out until they could camouflage in the with red roses. With the chaos that brewed, I thought it was only the punches that could surprise me until, I heard a female voice come from the back of the van. My neck stiffened, as well as, increasingly eager to turn and see who was also in the car. I ignored the noises and tried to focus on the road. Th


 The door slammed behind me, as I rolled with my inertia through the other side to the co-driver's seat. My breath seemed to blow out faster than I could get to the steering wheel and keys. Slamming and screeching crunched the silence in the car, and a few snores from Nicholas, who was still unconscious after I had knocked him a while back. I wriggled my body, turning it into a bowl of jelly, trying to compose myself to start the van with my keys which jumbled in my hands, like a clown juggling in a circus. The metal slid on my sweaty palms, when the shoes, and shouts of the henchmen, burst through the dimensions of the windows, to my ear, striking, a raging urgency to get my car started. I shook my head, throwing sweat everywhere and finally straightened my hazy-like vision to the steering wheel. In a moment of spontaneity, I quickly started the car and pressed the accelerator, with all the strength, my anxiety, had given me and closed my eyes, clutching onto the steering wheel, w


 My pace elevated, each time, the echoes of the speaker, rang in my ear. The file was heavy, and could almost tear a hole in my jacket. I tried to increase my pace, as I came closer to closing the door behind me and escape before anyone would come back and find me. My steps felt like drums being struck at with a hammer. I tripped and fell, struggling to hold my pace, with the heavy file creating interruption in my escape, at the same time, looking in every part of the corridor in fear that I would soon be heard and cause a lot of noise as I came down to the club's entrance. The stairs that were once, a joy to the soles of my shoes seemed like a never ending journey down a mountain. My jacket, grew looser and began to lose its tightly woven threads. The file, slipped in and out of the side of my jacket, as I began to come down the second last flight of stairs. My wish was that I could grow the tentacles similar to an octopus as I began to get closer and closer to the crowd of people


 The coughing and sneezing still pumped away like a broken record, colliding with the mild rhythm of beats that came from below at the club's dancefloor.  I continued to slip my jacket, on my body like growing a second skin. Tips of my shoes, pressed on the polish eroded, wooden floor, crease after crease, as though time was slowing down, and my eyes pranced every space of the room to make sure there was nothing that was looking at me or monitoring me. Windows, captured the colourful lights of the club below, that decorated the darkness, crawling on the corners of the room, which had aged light lamps. I gazed at the desk, pulsating with, a bit anxiousness. My hands pressed against the cushioned chairs, and slid across the desk. Papers flew in the air, others poured out to the floor. Most of them were only about the business of the club. I turned towards the walls and scrapped through it, with every fingernail that could grasp the surface. Paint peeled off, the wall, revealing the h


 In a great attempt to squeezing my lungs in, my panting began to release air like a kettle without the whistling. I attempted to be as discrete as possible as I continued to hear the chatter go on, as plastering myself on the wall like a swatted housefly. "What do you mean you are being followed?" I heard someone ask. My eyes lit up in suspicion, wondering if they had already known, that I was slowly following them. Each centimetre, that I scrolled my feet across the floor, the decibel, of chatters increased in the surrounding of my eardrum. The dripping sweat, itched my eyes, when it came down through, the hairs of my forehead, down towards the eyelashes. the itching irritated me to almost blow my cover. I quickly reached out in my pocket and removed my voice recording device to get the whole conversation that I only seemed to get a few murmurs and phrases about. I stood in the corridor covered in the odour of sweat and musty carpets that were as dusty as an archeological a