
Showing posts from March, 2021


 I imitated water droplets during the winter, with my hairs and body, solidly freezing in posture, as my eyes glued to the phone and widened to match the width of an owl's eyes. Each pounding of my heart agitated my nerves to move towards him and get more answers. Completely covered in hesitation, from head to toe, my muscles twitched and I moved back and forth, as though, I seemed to be dancing to the music from outside the club. "Nice dance moves!" One of the ladies, who seemed to be allured by the muscle flexing antics of the guards, apparently happened to stare at me in my hesitation state. She began to come closer and the smoothness of her touch, almost felt like her palms were made of silk. My hands tingled a bit further, as her perfume, brushed the vacuum of my nose to euphoric delight. The guard, clenched his eyebrows, pouring frustration in the air, almost forgetting that his phone was ringing. I almost inhaled all the air, in the vicinity, with my fear, tensing


 I scuffled past the gravel and soil, like a crawling insect, in a vigorous attempt towards getting the scraps of paper that seemed to linked towards Nicholas' letter. Each paper looked as aged as fossils, with the writing appearing more inscribed than inked. Nicholas' name covered the top left corner of one piece, that faded in the middle letters. I tried to keep on going to find out if I could find more, and only picked up more dirt in my nails and fingers, as nothing more seemed to be found. The four pieces, and, one, that was slightly torn up, flipped between both of my hands, when I attempted to decrypt and decode, the messages that came from the papers. In the midst of finishing the attempt to quell my curiosity, a phrase, was isolate on one of the papers, that, said, "...To find in the middle...A." My brain entangled with thoughts like an anxious individual, trying to understand the clues I had obtained. I made my way back towards the van. A rumble of the engin


Rumbling of the engine, and the slight shaky hands, went together in movement, as I fitted myself into the leather chair of the driver's seat. I let the car continue, warming up, which silenced the murmurs and noise that Nicholas was making. "You can do this! You can do this!" I affirmed myself, with passing minutes, before embarking to find my answers. The car screeched and swiveled, like it didn't have a steering wheel after I'd pressed the down on the accelerator. Unrivaled tension pulsated with every beat of my heart, contracting every fiber of muscle in my body. trying to get control and understand what I was doing. I passed out the main entrance, still trying to get control of the car, nearly knocking the people on the way. People started to throw all manner of things to the van, and even try puncture the tires in a bid to stop the car from moving. I pressed all sort of buttons to get the car moving properly, as I grazed on walls from time to time. After a m

PART 15 - I AM

 Tapping away at the myriad of buttons that were gazing before my eyes. The questions still filled my brain, each step I tried to make towards trying to find some sense into everything. Silence surprisingly started to fill the area as the murmurs from Nicholas started to fall subtly. After each turn to check on him, seemed to be, a striking sight of a restless man, somehow finding peace. I unfolded more of the paper and tried to walk towards him and ask questions to find answers. "Nicholas? I presume? Where was this letter from?" I asked him in almost the easiest way I could in spite of his deranged state. "I..They...coo..." Nicholas tried to compile his words, in a struggle to come down. "Wait? Actually, why the hell are you fidgeting and murmuring?" I asked. Nicholas, bent the ligaments and tendons of his arm, like a rubber band, attempting to point and show me something. My neck, closely resembled the turning of a light bulb into its socket, as I tried


 Nicholas continued to shake on and wriggle on the floor as he murmured and groaned. "What?! What the hell are you saying?!" I shouted, standing and trying to get close to Nicholas. The equipment in the room was knocked, all over and the place, with his continuous erratic movements. He crawled on the floor like an insect, burrowing into the ground, wiping his stains from his clothes all over the floor. My tension blew in waves. "Hello! Hello!" I shouted into the radio microphone, that seemed to be only be myself talking into, and Trakus' voice was as absent as clean air in a smoky environment. I moved hurriedly towards Nicholas and held him by his shoulders and he kept trembling in my already tired and skinny arms. The tremors from his body, overwhelmed my arms, and I kept collecting him from his near moments of collapsing to the ground. After struggling with him for quite a lengthy amount of time, I searched with every angle that my eye could see and my arms co


 The murmurs continued for a quite a while before any words could be uttered from the person's mouth. Trakus' kept all sorts of machines on him to check his vital organs and try and keep him from blacking out. The man's eyes were, flashing between open and closed, as though they were being kept open by the force of wind alone. I walked slowly towards the scene with my aches, making me watchful of where I stepped, furthermore with the increasingly wired floor that helped a number of computers. Blips, broke the sounds of the continuous murmurs, that caught Trakus' eagerness by the throat, and seemed to squeeze more out of him. "They... are" The words finally poured out of the man's mouth and the grip on Trakus' eagerness, slipped off like droplets of rain on a window. Before I could ask who the person was, his jacket had a name tag with the name "Nicholas". In the midst of trying to still get more words out of Nicholas, I stood a bit c


 The cold floor, held onto, the pores of my skin, as my sweat, made me stick on the tiling . I woke up, pushing myself up, and saw my reflection greeting me, as I slowly opened my eyes to see well, after the beaming of light came flashing, down on my eyes. Silence screamed, after Trakus' voice, echoed past me as well as his footsteps in the corridor. Memories of Harry swept my mind, image after image. After staring into thin air for a couple of minutes, I staggered to get up, and walked through the corridor, towards a room that was just close to the main control center. Fibers of the couch, hugged the fatigue out of my body, as the relief of rest burst throughout my body like bubbles of effervescence. Guilt still crippled my conscious, as the never ending words of Trakus rumbled through my head like a riot march in a city. I lifted myself to do a few physical workouts, that ended in me, falling of the couch onto the floor. Absolutely consumed by his hunger, Trakus, didn't seem


Wiping the dust and peeling paint off his hands, Trakus, guided the way into a hidden path, past a heap of scrap metal, that led us to the underground base where he had been operating secretly. The beams of light that struck my eye with precision, becoming a welcoming as I walked passed the rocky terrain, removing mask, that was patterned with holes, as though mice had made a meal of it. My mouth, begged for a droplet of water, with every dryness that formed crevices on the surface of my skin, as we kept on walking through the cave-like town, bubbling with all sorts of people. "How did you let him get away?!" Fists clenched and with an urgent grab on my shirt, Trakus, shook me, almost ripping out what was left of the loose strings that held his shirt together. "Uhm, ah, ah, uhm, huh?! I tri...ed" A pulsating heart, rushed all the blood in my body everywhere, as well as my voice that uttered to the point of sounding like gibberish. "Arrgh! I'm... My family g


 The screeching of the tires, tore through the air, as I struggled to fit myself through the window and Trakus tried to keep the van moving in a proper direction. Heavy thuds, were not too far behind us, which made our van much more unstable with the shaking ground. "You think we lost them?" I slid into the chair trying to get comfortable trying to ease my anxious state after being chased, as I sought confirmation from Trakus. "Not yet, hold on!" The accelerator was stepped on, and we burst through the mist like a missile, before I could completely hear Trakus' reply. Mist blew past like clouds of blowing smoke, with the daunting heavy stomps of feet, reducing in the distance. Before, I could breath a sigh of relief, darts broke into our view and some scratch the paint of the car. "Oh! Damn It" Trakus, honked the horn, almost ripping out his hair, as his pot belly popped his buttons out with him moving in every direction possible trying to evade the da


My feet and legs, scrambled through the building trying to find some sort of speed to be able to get out in an appropriate time, before, I was apprehended by whoever, John was talking to. Sweat trickled down my face, dampening the mask, that could be mistaken for a worn out rag, decorated with broken glass. By the periphery of my sight, I saw an old, paint peeling, web-covered door. The rumbling from below made it difficult to keep my stance as things shook, like leaves, on a tree during a strong wind. I staggered and stumbled towards the door, which seemed like my only way out. The door, squeaked, open, and the handle fell off. Stairs, painted the scenery of my sight, and I immediately started rushing down them. Step after step, awakened an ache after an ache in my body. I tried to clasp, every aching part as I traveled downwards, which made me end up looking like I was performing a dance in front of an audience. I had walked down a few flights, and a bright light beamed through the c


We were in a daze, as we lay on the ground. The building kept shaking from the commotion that was caused below. Dust filled, the air on the ground, that slowly arose, slightly clouding the vision on the goggles of the masks that we were using, that had now cracked due tot he impact of the crash. Cracking sounds, rhythmically collided with the rumbling of items that were left in the room, as we started to hear someone talk to us. "Hi, its been a while, hasn't it?" We were both lifted by our masks, as the eardrum crashing voice, ran through our ears, causing to wriggle in discomfort, but the strength of the grip, made us look like helpless prey caught in a subjugation. It had been a couple of minutes, in our tussle for freedom, and the light at the end of the tunnel, didn't seem to glow any brighter. "Harry, different times, huh? Literally and figuratively, I run the city, you didn't see that coming did ya?" The floor felt more familiar as we were dragged


I stood a bit confused, about what Trakus had meant about getting ready. "Can you run?" Trakus, turned back at me from a distance seeking confirmation. Before, I could even answer, the rumbling of an engine muffled my ear distracting all other noises, from a bit of a distance to where we were standing. 'What, hey!!..." I scrambled my clothes and all I could, get rushing into the van, that Harry and Trakus were hurriedly getting ready to go in. After a few jumps and staggering runs, I leaped into the back of the van, moving around in an erratic manner, bouncing all over the van like a pin ball. The tires screeched heavily, moving left and right a few times before, the accelerator, took hold off the car, and we sped off into the vastly varied terrain of the new location under the city that we were in. "Where we going guys?" I lifted off my shirt from my face trying to get my voice clearly heard. 'Sssh! Stay down!" Harry whispered urgently before I co


 A hefty stout figure, stood before me. His shirt's buttons screamed for mercy to keep the shirt together, which hugged his body tighter than a python's constricting grip on prey. The sight of him holding a cup of fizzing soda in his hand gave me a bit of promise that this new place might not be as frightening than I had thought. Harry, walked casually past the opening doors, as I collected myself clumsily, and struggling to carry the extra weight of the gear that he had given me. It was a generously lit environment. "By the way, I'm Trakus" After some time spent walking, I got to know, what seemed to be Harry's colleague in their operations. Every place we walked was filled with all sorts of people dressed in all manner of attire. Some filled colour that bonded with the strong and different lights that bounced of some surfaces, while others seemed to merge on the skins of people. Travelling around the new place, drew the sweat of every gland in my body, and s


 The silence continued for much of time,  that I tried to talk to Harry. He lifted his head only to drink. "Huh? What?" He startled around the place looking like, it was the first time that he had entered it. "You okay?" I wiped my mouth as I chewed slower and slower, gazing at Harry. "Ahh yeah, I'm good, I'm good" He quickly, got up and off the corner of the table where he was sitting. "Dude, that was us and the guys right?" Silence gripped the room when he seemed disturbed by my question. "Yeah, it was cool, right!" Laughter, beamed from him, hiding a seemingly, confused expression underneath that I couldn't really understand. We chatted for some time before my drowsiness, was about to consume me. My eyelids were as heavy as a damp sand bags, each time I tried to stay awake. Harry was busy, trying to find his tools and sharpening them as well. The continuous clanging of metal and rattling of plastics, were ever so melodic